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Non-NHS work

All of the doctors perform private medicals for a variety of agencies.

HAG, PSV, Taxi medicals are carried out by special appointment and for a fee.

Fees vary from time to time but will be confirmed with you at the time of booking.

Document requiredGP rateSuggested BMA rate
Passport documents£20£20
Private sick motes£15£15
Short reports for loans, insurance, mortgages etcup to £500£50
HGV medicals/licenses (renewal or new)£90£90.50
Holiday Cancellation£25£25 to £53

This is not an exhaustive list and the charge for any other non-NHS services should be agreed in advance, by the patients, with their doctor.

Important: Under no circumstances will the doctors provide documentation to support:

Missed court/probation, community service appointments

The renewal of shotgun licence certificates

Certificates to confirm an individual’s fitness to take part in any sporting activity or exercise