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Joint and muscle pains

  • University of Salford Podiatry Clinic

    Your GP or practice nurse can refer you to the NHS podiatry service but there is a currently a long waiting list of several months. The School of Podiatry at the University of Salford offer a faster service. The assessment and management clinic can be attended by anyone (adults and children) in need of essential foot care – you may have painful pressure lesions or just be unable to care for your feet. At the clinic you will be given a full assessment and treated accordingly for £10-15.

    0161 295 2205


  • Go2Physio

    You can directly access NHS physiotherapy without having to see your GP first. Physiotherapists are physical activity specialists working with you to enable you to manage your condition. They are expertly skilled to assess, diagnose, and manage patients with Musculoskeletal conditions such as muscle or joint problems like back pain, knee pain or sprains are best managed by physiotherapists. Physiotherapists can transform people’s lives by:
    Reducing pain
    Improving quality of life
    Keeping people out of hospital
    Reducing disability
    Reversing the deterioration of conditions


  • Versus Arthritis

    Versus Arthritis invests in breakthrough treatments, the best information and vital support for everyone affected by arthritis.

    Versus Arthritis